1) Healing The Silent Weeper Within:
Confused by secular input, we look in all the wrong places for the love we crave. Searching for fulfillment through earthly relationships and material goods leaves us with pain, rejection, sorrow and sometimes shame. With our hearts full of pain, we become what Katrina calls silent weepers. Sharing her personal story of being a silent weeper and her desperate cry out to God, Katrina offers others the pathway to complete emotional healing.
2) Yes Lord. Here I Am!
It’s not just the minister, priest, religious or person sitting next to you who is called to evangelize! Sharing her story of being a country singer on tract to a record deal but feeling pulled toward Gospel music, resisting and finally saying yes for all the wrong reasons.... Katrina is a simple example that God can take what we offer and use it to reach His flock in spite of our reluctance and imagined limitations. Katrina inspires her audience to use their God-given gifts and say, "Here I am, Lord, Send Me."
3) Who Me, An Evangelist?
You work in the church and see yourself as a teacher, a secretary or volunteer. But you are much more! This workshop addresses our ability to see ourselves as evangelists and to respond to God’s call on our life. Often we do not recognize and fulfill the potential that God has placed in us to serve Him and effectively help others in their faith journey. This session will help explore the many deterrents to becoming the evangelist that God calls us to be. The session will also suggest tools to help attendees respond positively to that call.
4) Every Life Matters!
Sharing the touching story of her adopted son’s life... the last second stop to his abortion, his adoption, his challenges with autism, his death at seventeen, and his huge and lasting impact on his family and entire community, Katrina helps everyone recognize how important every life is to the well being of all of us. After hearing her speak, no one can doubt that every second of life is a part of God’s overall plan and all life must be protected from conception to death in His time.
5) Help! It's Crazy Here!
Katrina draws from a wealth of experiences gained from over 40 years of marriage and raising adopted and natural children. She knows how hectic and challenging life can be within the family. Katrina teaches the importance of a family walk in faith and gives sound suggestions which will help families regain their balance by being centered in Christ.
6) Evangelizing Your Domestic Church:
In our modern world, families are extremely important centers of living faith. They are "domestic churches" and the first school of the Christian life where we learn of love and repeated forgiveness... just like God's love and repeated forgiveness for us. This session will discuss ways to be an evangelist within your own family and home.
7) What’s In Your Evangelization Tool Kit?
So, you are going to use your God-given gifts for God’s greater glory. That’s wonderful! Maybe you will teach
religious education, work with youth or visit the homebound, etc. You’ve taken training and learned everything
you can to prepare yourself to do the job....but what might you be missing? Tools! Katrina shares from her own
call to evangelize how she came to understand the importance of three much needed tools. This session will
teach how and why we should incorporate these three “must have” tools in our plan to serve God.